Understanding The Importance of Digital Marketing In International Trade Industry

In a company, Marketing refers to the activities to promote buying or selling of goods or services. Digital Marketing is the type of Marketing that utilizes the Internet and online-based digital technologies. It uses Digital Media and Platforms to promote goods and services.

Digital Marketing changed the way brands and businesses use
technology for Marketing. There are various methods to do Digital Marketing:

It also extended to the offline channels which provide digital media such as television, SMS, and MMS, calls.

Digital Marketing in International Trade Industry

 The Government provides various incentives on the exports to
promote the export business of country there are incentive schemes like MEIS
, SEIS Scheme under which
Goods exporters and service exporters can avail the benefits of 2% – 5% of FOB
value of exports under the MEIS scheme and 5% – 7% of the net foreign exchange
earned on the notified services.

Information about these schemes are available online
exporters can find the details online and can apply for the benefits which will
help to expand the business globally.

Digital Marketing in International Trade

For company growth, it is important to create and use a Digital Marketing Plan to support Digital Transformation.

It has been around the world from last 15-20 years, Digital Marketing has made the world a small place for the companies to promote their businesses and services and customers can check their websites and find the goods and services as per their requirements, It has made it easier to reach new markets.

Digital Marketing plays a vital role in international trade, It promotes International trade by opening new markets that never existed.

Digital Marketing creates a platform that can be used to find the different Markets around the world by collecting data about the Markets.

It has change world trade drastically but it does not solve all the import-export problems related to production capacity and quality of goods or services.

The information available online can be used to correct some of these problems.

For example, An agricultural company A in country X can use the Information available on the Internet to improve its coffee production and can enhance the processing, and can export the products to the foreign markets by understanding their requirements.

Digital Marketing has created innovative ways of advertising goods and services with the help of company websites, through Email Marketing, etc.

Development of Digital Marketing Strategy To Expand Globally 

To-Do Market Research

Market analysis is required to expand globally, first, we need to check is there any market for the products or services we wanted to export? Without considering whether people of that country want the products or not it’s of no use to think about the business expansion.

Competitor research is also important to check what they do, how they use marketing, why our products or services are better than theirs.

On 13the March 2020, the Government of India launched RoDTEP scheme which will replace other existing incentives schemes in a phased manner.

Make Better Websites Better Digital Strategy To Expand

Are we actually practically ready to expand the business

This is an important question need to be the answer is whether we actually start trading no matter how good the website we have, We should have the right infrastructure, handle enquirers, calls in new languages, and territory.

The following points need to be implemented to expand the business

  • Messaging and Translation 
  • Language-Specific Campaigns
  • Cultural Habits
  • International PPC
  • International Link Building
  • Meta Content Language Tag
  • International Keyword Research
  • Website Structure Choice
  • International SEO
  • International Web Design Consideration


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